3 Ways to Improve Open Rate

What's the point in having a big list full of stale email addresses and unengaged subscribers?

Let's clean up those lists, create some tags, and find some better times to send! Here’s 3 ways to improve your email open rate:

Clean Your List

Your email list should consist of quality emails. There’s no point in having a large list if the emails are dead and the subscribers are disengaged.

Add Segments and Tags

Customize the type of emails your subscribers receive by putting them into specific segments and tags. That way you can make sure they are getting emails about topics they actually care about.

Find the Right Time

Take a hard look at your audience and find the RIGHT time to send emails. Don’t be afraid to re-send emails to those who don’t open them.

Pro Tip: A/B testing in email can help you play around with new send times.

Want to talk through your email strategy? Let's connect! Schedule your consultation at calendly.com/tjecomm.


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